Monday, April 30, 2018

Opinion | Not all Nashville transit plan opponents are from 'far right'

Mr. James H. Pratt who is a former reporter and editor for The Tennessean and served as press secretary to former U.S. Sen. Jim Sasser writes in a Tennessean opinion piece that Not all Nashville transit plan opponents are from 'far right.' He lays out his own liberal credentials and says he opposes the plan. He says proponents of the plan have largely taken the tactic of attacking the opponents as engaging in "Trump-style lies" and being funded by the Koch Brothers and attacking the credentials of highly respected and honored Vanderbilt economist Dr. Malcom Getz. I have noticed the same thing.  Instead of responding to the criticism of the opponents or making a good case for the plan, the proponents have engaged in attacks on the opponents.  I am pleased to see an honest liberal point that out.  Read the piece at this link.

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