Saturday, May 12, 2018

Liberty on the Rocks meets Thursday, May 17th

Thursday, May 17 at 6 PM

SmokinThighs, 611 Wedgewood Ave, Nashville, Tennessee 37203

No prayer, no pledge, no reading of the minutes, no speaker, no program; just a bunch of people who love liberty who get together to talk about whatever anyone wants to talk about. The group is predominantly libertarian but various strips of conservatives are in the mix. This is an occupationally and age mixed group with everyone from laborers to college students to business executives to lawyers in the mix.  Sometimes the conversation gets heated but I have never seen anyone resort to name-calling or get personal. With the average crowd numbering close to twenty people, the large group normally breaks into smaller groups with shifting members. One group may be arguing about the role of the American military and foreign policy or discussing the upcoming mayor's race, anther may be discussing bit coin and technology, and yet another group may not be talking about anything political but may be talking about their travel adventures.

I have been attending LOR almost since the first, about eight years ago, and really enjoy it. Join us for an evening of libation and interesting conversation.

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