Thursday, May 10, 2018

Who voted for the transit referendum? The super cool people.

An examination of the transit referendum election returns shows that the only parts of the county to vote for the referendum were those progressive, gentrified, urban, "hip" areas of town such as east Nashville, downtown, 12th Ave. South, and Sylvan Park. The division was not between the "haves" and the "have nots" but more of a division between the cool and hip and everyone else. This did not hold everywhere however. I have thought I lived in one of the hotbeds of progressivism but I was pleasantly surprised to see my precinct, the Senior Citizens Center at the Fairgrounds, precinct 17-7, voted against it. The vote was 194 against and only 136 in favor.

In general, the areas that voted for the transit  tended to be areas of higher income than the county average, but areas of the county much more affluent, areas such as Belle Meade and Forest Hills, voted against it.

Republicans voted against it and turned out in high number and, surprising to many,  the Black community voted against it. Only five Council districts voted for the transit referendum. If one had the data to study who voted for the referendum beyond just identifying precincts, I would bet that California transplants and millennials overwhelmingly voted for it. Maybe there is hope for Nashville yet.

To see how each prescient in the county voted follow this, link to see Election Commission returns or this link to view The Tennessean's interactive map.

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