Thursday, February 22, 2018

The plot thickens: Search warrants for Mayor Barry's and Sgt. Rob Forrest's phones issued.

WSMV 4:  Court records: Mayor refuses to provide passcode for phone.

Rod Williams' comment: I wonder if she is just embarrassed about the discovery of romantic love talk, or did she send nude pics, or did they discuss how to get another third rate romance, high-rent
rendezvous at the tax payers expense. They had already had a Paris and Greece getaway. Were they trying to figure out how to justify a Tahiti weekend?  Or, maybe there was discussion of how to justify more overtime pay for Forrest, or maybe what strings she would have to pull to get Forrest daughter a good-paying job.  We don't know, but I think we are going to find out. For the good of the city and her own dignity, Mayor Barry should resign now.

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