Thursday, February 22, 2018

I-440 construction meeting hosted by State Rep John Ray Clemmons, tonight at 6:30pm at Christ the King.

State Representative John Ray Clemmons will be hosting a community meeting tonight, 2/22/2018 at 6:30pm at Christ the King on Belmont Blvd to discuss the impact of the planned  I-440 expansion. If you live near I-440, you may want to attend this meeting. I have a relative who lives about a block away from I-440 but on a rise higher than the interstate. The noise is so loud that one cannot enjoy sitting on her nice front porch. There is a constant roar.  Now, there is a proposal to build two new lanes of traffic, which will increase the roadway capacity by fifth percent. . This will only add to the noise. In addition to the noise concern, it is unhealthy to live near an interstate and the more traffic it carries the worse it is.  When I-440 was build it was supposed to be a "parkway," and trucks were supposed to be prohibited. Of course, that did not last long. Now, I-440 traffic is going to get heavier and louder.  If people act now, they may be able to stop this expansion and they may be able to get enhanced noise control.

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