Tuesday, February 06, 2018

Proposed new amendment to Mayors Tax for Tracks plan would reveal $8.95 billion price tag.

Tonight there will be an amendment offered to the  Mayor's transit improvement program that  calls for a county-wide referendum election to be held on May 1, 2018 to approve the tax increases to support the program. The amendment would  change the wording of the referendum to reveal that the real cost of the program is estimated to require $8.95 billion in revenue through 2032. Currently, the ballot wording would only reveal the plan's $5.4 billion in capital costs expressed in current dollars. This amendment has the support of all five of the Council at-large members.  While this isn't much it is something and will help make the referendum more difficult to pass. The referendum would still hide the fact that it would increase the Nashville sales tax to 10.2% making Nashville the city with the nations highest sales tax.

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