Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Will Pinkston defers indefinitely charter school moratorium

by Jason Gonzales, The Tennessean - Board member Will Pinkston asked to indefinitely defer a vote that would place a moratorium on any new charter schools after alleging the Nashville Area Chamber of Commerce interfered.

Pinkston also said pro-charter groups Stand for Children, Nashville Rise and the Tennessee Charter School Center interfered with the vote. During the meeting, however, he particularly called out the chamber.

... The language of the policy, also deferred, called for the superintendent to require every application to include the exact address and owner of the proposed school site. The policy also would require detailed information on renovation costs, construction costs and proof of financing for the facility. (read more)

My Comment: Will, The Chamber or other groups of citizens "interfering" is not like the Russian's interfering. The last time I checked we were still a democracy and citizens had the right to petition their government.  I think you have let your position go to your head.  It is a shame that you continue to want to condemn children to failing schools and protect the teachers union and the bureaucracy.  Children should come first.  We need more choice; not less.

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