Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Safe Access Tennessee supports the Medical Cannabis Act of 2017

By David Hairston The hopes and dreams of many Tennesseans became fulfilled today with the announcement that a full medical cannabis bill will be sponsored in the 2017 Session of the Tennessee General Assembly. Representative Jeremy Faison (R) of the 11th District (Cocke, Jefferson and Greene Counties) and Senator Steve Dickerson (R) of Nashville (Davidson County) announced their sponsorship of the legislation at a news conference at the State Capitol this morning. The proposed Bill encompasses a comprehensive program for controlled patient access to cannabis-based medicines.

Key elements of the legislation proposed include:
• Restores the medical freedom to use cannabis as a medicine under defined medical conditions (see below)
• Limits access to medical use
• Establishes quality control regulations
• Provides freedom to conduct research without interference from federal bureaucrats
• Promotes healthcare industry economic development without violating Federal Law
• Delivers economic development to economically distressed counties
• Allows more valid treatment options to patients and doctors
• Frees citizens and medical professionals from federal overreach on cannabis in healthcare
• Provides extra funding for law enforcement, K-12 Education, and drug education and rehabilitation
Dr. Dickerson and Representative Faison developed the Medical Cannabis Act of 2017 after numerous constituent visits, consultation with medical and legal experts and fact-finding missions to other states. They have started the collaborative process of a winning the majority of votes in both legislative branches. Medical conditions envisioned in the Legislation (all have a strong peer review scientific basis) include:
• Cancer
• M.S.
• Painful Peripheral Neuropathy
• Intractable Pain
• Refractory Seizures
• Seizure Disorder
• Spasticity
• Parkinson’s Disease
• Cerebral Palsy
Safe Access Tennessee stands in support of the Medical Cannabis Act of 2017 and encourages its members, supporters and the public to support this legislation.

Safe Access Tennessee is a non-profit organization founded by and for the disabled and their caregivers. Affiliated with the Americans for Safe Access, Safe Access Tennessee advocates for medical cannabis only and holds no opinion on and does not advocate for the legalization of alcohol or recreational marijuana.

Quotes from Safe Access Tennessee Board Members and the Senate and House Sponsors concerning the Medical Cannabis Bill of 2017.

Stacie Mayes Mathes – Board Member – Greene County
I’ve had the pleasure of working with Rep. Faison the last few years on the CBD law and this new Medical Cannabis bill. When 75% of Tennesseans are in support of medical cannabis we need to begin listening and start acting. I'm very encouraged that this year will be the year Tennessee listens to the citizens who need help and then provides that need.
Sandy McClurg Bush – Board Member – Knox County
It has been wonderful to see firsthand and also hear about all of the patients with epilepsy in Tennessee that have had success using cannibidiol (CBD) since that law was passed. My hope is that with this new bill, we can expand that treatment and success to more patients with more medical conditions using even broader therapies. It's really tough getting a phone call from a fellow parent of a sick child and having to tell them that their child's illness isn't covered under the current law. I'm very grateful that Representative Faison and Senator Dickerson want to help all of the patients in the state.
David C. Hairston – Board Member – Davidson County
This is the best Christmas present ever to sick and suffering medical patients in Tennessee. Upon passage, Patients will have new medical options – real medical freedom.” And “We pray our Medical refugees in Colorado can return home to freedom soon.
Dr. Steve Dickerson - Senate Sponsor
As a doctor I see patients every day who will benefit directly from this needed medicine. Now is the time for our state to pass this bill and provide relief to Tennessee patients.
Representative Jeremy Faison – House Sponsor
We need every patient who desires the freedom to choose a cannabis based medicine in conjunction with their Doctor to call their State Representative and State Senator and ask them to support the Medical Cannabis Act of 2017.

David urges you to share this press release with your local newspaper and to repost it on your Facebook page or elsewhere.  For more information, you may contact David. 
David C. Hairston
Safe Access Tennessee
1024 General George Patton Rd
Nashville, Tennessee 37221
+1 615 545 0405

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