Saturday, May 23, 2015

Final NashvilleNext draft is online for public review and comment

The Metropolitan Planning Department of Nashville and Davidson County, Tennessee, has prepared a draft of a proposed long-range General Plan which would guide growth, development, and preservation through 2040.

All elements of the draft plan are online for public review at

Planning Commission public hearing on NashvilleNext set for June 15

Prior to adoption of NashvilleNext, a public hearing discussing NashvilleNext will be held as part of a special called Planning Commission meeting at 3 pm Monday, June 15, 2015 in the Sonny West Conference Center in Metro’s Howard Office Building at 700 Second Avenue South, Nashville, Tennessee.

After that hearing is completed and closed, the meeting will adjourn temporarily and resume in the same location at 1 pm on Monday, June 22, 2015; Commissioners will continue their discussion on NashvilleNext and may vote on the Plan at that time.

Questions and comments about the draft plan may be directed to Planning Department staff at 615/862-6398, by email at, and by postal mail at 800 Second Avenue South, PO Box 196300, Nashville, Tennessee, 37219.

My Comment: I have not studies the hundreds of pages in NashvilleNext. Following political campaigns and other public affairs, I have simply not had the time. No one except the authors of the plan really know what is in it and this plan will have tremendous impact for the next 25 years. Current sub-area plans were developed with the input of people looking at their particular neighborhood.  Those sub-area plans are being replaced without the same level of citizen involvement. To properly understand what is being proposed in NashvilleNext one would have to devote full time to the endeavor for some weeks. Once adopted by the planning commission, NashvilleNext will be the city's official planning document. New development must comply with the General Plan.  To pass something not in conformity with the General Plan takes a two-thirds vote of the council. I think the plan should be put on hold and a committee of citizens in each sub-area, now called neighborhoods, should study the plan and make sure they understand it and recommend changes at the neighborhood level. I think the plan should be put on hold until citizens have had a chance to study it and until the next mayor takes office. This is being rammed down our throats without adequate citizen study.  

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