Tuesday, December 09, 2014

Tn GOP Executive Committee Unanimously Adopts Resolution on Common Core State Standards

Adopted unanimously by the Tennessee Republican Party State Executive Committee on December 6, 2014:


WHEREAS, The Republican National Committee passed a resolution on August 8, 2014, commending parents and other citizens in efforts to influence state legislatures to “resist federal intrusion into education policy via the “Common Core State Standards; and

WHEREAS, the RNC also commends parents for “reclaiming our heritage of citizen-directed government and inspiring others to enter the public square”; and,

WHEREAS, The Honorable Tennessee State Senators Dolores Gresham and Mike Bell are sponsoring Senate Bill 4, which establishes a Tennessee Standards Commission and cancels Tennessee’s current memorandum of understanding concerning the Common Core Standards.

RESOLVED, that the Tennessee Republican State Executive Committee, as the policy-making body of the Republican Party, recognizes the RNC’s resolution commending activist parents and other citizens on their anti-Common Core victories.

FURTHER RESOLVED, that Tennessee Senators Delores Gresham and Mike Bell are to be commended for sponsoring State Senate Bill 4 in response to citizen concerns about Common Core Standards and federal intrusion into Tennessee education policy.
The Republican National Committee, our leadership organization has set an example for the Tennessee SEC to follow. The RNC Resolution was passed August 8, 2014 and is attached.
Respectfully submitted,
Rebecca Ann Burke
Republican State Executive Committee Woman
Tennessee Senatorial District 23

The above is a repost from Tennessee Eagle Forum

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