Monday, December 08, 2014

Go Mary Go! Davidson County Democratic Party endorces Mary Mancini

The Davidson County Democrat Party has endorsed Mary Mancini in her quest for chair of the Tennessee Democratic Party. The Davidson County Democratic Executive Committee endorsed Mancini in its November meeting. The State Democratic Party leaders will elect a new chair in January. In November, a committee led by Bill Freeman selected from about a dozen seeking the post the following three candidates:

• Terry Adams, a Knoxville attorney who lost in the Senate Democratic primary to Gordon Ball.
• Rep. Gloria Johnson, D- Knoxville, a Knoxville teacher who narrowly lost her re-election bid to Eddie Smith.
• Mary Mancini, a Nashville resident and former executive director of Tennessee Citizen Action, who lost in the District 21 Democratic primary to Jeff Yarbro.
I am pulling for Mary Mancini.  She will take the party in a more progressive direction and purify the party of all of those moderates who would really be more comfortable in the Republican Party. 

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