Monday, December 08, 2014

KIPP to takeover Kirkpatrick Elementary. Frank Daniels writes "Failing schools are not acceptable for any reason."

Frank Daniels writing in the Tennessean yesterday hit the nail on the head when he said, "failing schools are not acceptable for any reason."  He was commenting on Dr. Register's announcement that Kirkpatrick Enhanced Options Elementary School would be managed by KIPP Nashville beginning with the 2015-16 school year. Kirkpatrick is one of those failing schools where less than one of five students  can read or do math at grade level. The students come from poor families and almost 99% of the students qualify for free or reduced lunches.

Daniels points out that charter school operators are outperforming MNPS-managed schools when it comes to helping students from the financially disadvantaged families in Metro improve their academic performance and have a chance to go to college. He says charter operators have adopted a philosophy that there are no excuses for a failing school and they are determined to prove it while many are willing to write off schools in low-income neighborhoods.

Follow this link to read the article: Kirkpatrick families are the winners.

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