Friday, December 05, 2014

Govenor Dunn endorces reelection of Chris Devaney for TN GOP Chair

Governor Winfield Dunn has endorsed the reelection of Chiarman Chris Devaney in an email letter to members of the Republican State Executive Committee. Chris Devaney is being challenged by Joe Carr. Joe Carr ran in the Republican primary against Senator Lamar Alexander seeking the Party's nomination for the Senate and then after the primary he never did endorse Alexander. In addition to Devaney and Carr, Karen Bennett is seeking the post of chair. The election will be tomorrow.

Below is the email from Governor Dunn to members of the State Executive Committee.

From: Winfield Dunn
Subject: A Note from Governor Winfield Dunn
Date: December 4, 2014 at 10:51:16 AM CST
Reply-To: Winfield Dunn

Dear Republican State Executive Committee Members:

Now that the dust has settled and the political atmosphere in our state and across the country is fairly clear, I am even prouder than ever before to be a Republican!

The results of November 4th nationally restore my hope that we can bring common sense and logic back to the governing process as they were used originally to frame our nation.

Here at home, I find myself prouder than ever to have been a part of your early efforts to lead our state Republican Party. Having been associated with the Party for so long now, I feel I have been a part of setting Tennessee on a better course.

I must say that Chairman Devaney’s vision, courage, and devotion to the TNGOP have been unparalleled contributions.

I am extremely pleased that he has chosen to seek another term as our Chairman. The degree of progress we have made across the board in state government is phenomenal and he is due a huge amount of the credit for our success.

His strong leadership, and the leadership of the SEC, will surely help us continue to serve the people with honesty and common sense. Count on me to be with Chairman Devaney. I trust you will, as well.


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