Wednesday, December 03, 2014

The Gun Nuts are supporting Rick Womick

In case you missed it:

Tenn. Firearms Association backs Womick in speakers race

by Dave Boucher, The Tennessean, Dec. 1, 2014- The Tennessee Firearms Association is endorsing a Tea Party-aligned candidate's bid to oust Speaker Beth Harwell, R-Nashville.

In a statement, association Executive Director John Harris said the "core legislative principals" of Rep. Rick Womick, R-Rockvale, show he is a better choice for speaker than Harwell. Harris says: (link)
 I don't use the term "gun nuts" loosely.  I support the Second Amendment.  I do not consider the NRA "gun nuts" but the Tennessee Firearms Association, I do.  They are the group that successfully defeated House Republican leader Debra Maggart in her bid for reelection although she was a strong supporter of the second amendment. The TFA believes that gun rights go way beyond the right affirmed in the Second Amendment.  They believe  you should have the right to carry a gun onto the property of one who does not want guns on his property. They believe gun rights trump property rights. They also support a law that would require the local police to arrest federal agents who enforce federal gun laws in Tennessee.

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