Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Rand Paul voted with Obama 41% of the Time!

Another tea party favorite, Utah's Sen. Mike Lee voted with Obama 51% of the time!

Carr’s Case Against Lamar Alexander Lacks Context
By Nathan L. Gonzales, Roll Call, August 27, 2013 - “If Lamar Alexander is voting with Barack Hussein Obama 62 percent of the time, he’s voting against Tennesseans 62 percent of the time,” state Rep. Joe Carr told a Nashville radio station last week. You’ll be surprised to know that Carr left a bit of context out of his comments in his primary challenge to the Volunteer State’s senior senator.

Carr’s remarks suggest that all votes “with” Obama are bad votes, for Tennessee and for the country. But that means Carr should be aiming his fire at virtually all of the GOP senators in the country, not just Alexander. (link)

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1 comment:

  1. "But that means Carr should be aiming his fire at virtually all of the GOP senators in the country, not just Alexander."

    If the shoe fits, wear it.

    I don't think "Vote for Lamar because Bob Corker sucks too" is a very effective campaign strategy.

    They voted for the indefinite detention of U.S. citizens in a prison in a foreign country without due process or trial.

    They voted for the NSA/FBI to spy on our emails and phone calls without a warrant or cause with the Patriot Act and FISA bills and extensions.

    They voted to fund illegal wars undeclared by themselves (as the Constitution requires).

    They voted to fund Obamacare.

    Cash for Clunkers.

    Cash for Clunkers Part II.

    GM Bailout.


    It's really irrelevant whether Obama supported those or not. He's not running for Senator of Tennessee. Neither are Paul or Lee. These are all unconstitutional acts, blatantly so, and our current Senators "don't hear us".
