Tuesday, August 27, 2013

More Scores. Lamar, more liberal than Jim Cooper? So says Joe Carr. Not true.

Joe Carr has put out a press release claiming Lamar Alexander is more liberal than Jim Cooper. While some of us may wish Alexander was more conservative, Joe Carr misspeaks the truth. Alexander is considerably more conservative than Jim Cooper. These days a liberal Republican is more conservative than a conservative Democrat. Jim Cooper may be a conservative Democrat and Lamar may be a liberal Republican, that still make Lamar a conservative and Cooper a liberal. The truth should matter.

Here are some ratings.

American Conservative Union, 2010 rating  Source: Project Vote Smart. link

Lamar Alexander  80%
Jim Cooper 35%

Americans for Prosperity, lifetime score 
Lamar Alexander 76%
Jim Cooper 22%
National Journal
Lamar Alexander 66.5%
Jim Cooper 39%
Club for Growth
Lamar Alexander 68%
Jim Cooper 26%
Competitive Enterprise Institute
Lamar Alexander 67%
Jim Cooper 0%

Depending on which hand full of votes the scoring agency chooses to include the scores may vary, but clearly Lamar Alexander is much more conservative than Jim Cooper. Below is the Carr press release.


Murfreesboro, TN—Rep. Joe Carr criticized Senator Lamar Alexander’s liberal voting record today. Alexander, responding to a question from Knoxville’s WBIR, said “I hope Tennesseans will look at me and the score card…”

“I hope Tennesseans take Senator Alexander up on that offer and examine his scorecard,” Carr responded. “They won’t like what they find. The scorecard reflects what we’ve been saying: Alexander is ranked the third most liberal of Tennessee’s eleven member delegation, with an unacceptable 41% conservative voting record.”

“Democratic Congressman Jim Cooper scored higher than Alexander. That’s very troubling to conservatives, and they realize it’s time to make a change in leadership. You also have to consider that the average Senate Republican has a 67% conservative voting record. I don’t think Tennesseans are going to let Senator Alexander get away with calling himself a conservative when he is that far below average,” predicted Carr.

According to Heritage Action for America, Alexander earned a dismal 41% conservative score based on his voting record, falling below Democratic Congressman Jim Cooper from the 5th Congressional District.

Congressional scorecards from conservative organizations Club for Growth and Madison Project demonstrate a similar liberal voting pattern.

“Senator Alexander has missed several opportunities to lead as a conservative. Instead he’s sided with liberals time and time again. Whether failing to stand with Senators Ted Cruz and Mike Lee on defunding Obamacare, voting to give amnesty to 11 million illegal immigrants or voting with President Obama 62% of the time—Lamar has lost touch,” Carr said.

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