Monday, August 26, 2013

Beth Harwell not sold on Nashville's Bus Rapid Transit ARC

WPLN News, August 26, 2013 - The most powerful Nashvillian in the state legislature is not sold on the Bus Rapid Transit proposal being hyped by the city’s mayor.  The $174 million project is banking on the state for 20 percent of its funding.  Pulling it off would be tough, if not impossible, without support from House Speaker Beth Harwell.

 “I want to be open to the idea, but honestly, that’s a lot of money, and we have a lot of other needs across the state, so I think it would be difficult.” (link)
My Comment: I think I am with Beth Harwell on this.  I am not adamantly opposed to it, but have reservations.  I think that for Nashville to remain a pleasant livable city and accommodate more people we are going to need mass transit. I have visited a lot of wonderful cities and most wonderful cities have mass transit. I do think BRT makes more sense than subways or light rail. However, I am not sold on the idea that the ARC is cost effective. I am not sold on the route. Maybe we should start with a smaller project, perhaps just downtown to five points and see how that works.

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