Friday, May 31, 2013

The Council's wish list considered

This is the Council budget work session where council members propose changes to the mayor's budget and explain how they would pay for it. This is where something gets in the budget or not. If something is put in, something must be taken out or a new source of funding must be identified. There is apparently not much disagreement with the Mayor's budget. Providing a subsidy for the fair ground is the only thing that seems to have a lot of support.  I suspect a subsidy for the farigrounds will make it into the budget. There are only a handful of proposed changes and this meeting is only 26 minutes long.

I am disappointed that no one proposed eliminating the Department of Human Relations and spreading that money among other needs. That department serves no useful purposs except for political correctness indoctrination. I feel we should not be funding a youth pavillion at the gay pride event. Maybe some one's alternative budget will propose defunding this department.

For more information on the proposed budget follow this link: Citizen's Guide to the Metro Budget.

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