Friday, April 19, 2013

Legislative Session Comes to Another Successful Conclusion Under Republican Leadership

NASHVILLE, Tenn.—The General Assembly today adjourned the first session of the 108th General Assembly. The conclusion of the session comes in a mere 33 legislative days—the earliest adjournment since 1990. 
A number of Tennessee’s top priorities are on their way to becoming law thanks to the leadership of Lieutenant Governor Ron Ramsey (R—Blountville) and Speaker of the House Beth Harwell (R—Nashville). They include: 
  • Cutting taxes for all Tennesseans with reductions to the grocery tax, death tax, and Hall tax.
  • Adding $100 million to the state’s rainy day fund for future emergencies.
  • Placing a permanent ban on the state income tax before voters.
  • Reforming the state’s antiquated worker’s compensation laws to provide certainty for businesses while protecting the rights of workers.
  • Rejection of federal takeover of Tennessee’s health care system.
  • New laws addressing gang violence, prescription drug abuse, repeat domestic violence offenders, and synthetic drugs
  • Reducing government by placing a limit on the number of bills each Member of the House can file.
Tennessee Republican Party Chairman Chris Devaney congratulated the GOP Members of the General Assembly and remarked, “Tennesseans expect their elected officials to meet, conduct business in an orderly and efficient manner, and then return home instead of wasting valuable taxpayer dollars. That is exactly what Lieutenant Governor Ramsey, Speaker Harwell, and all the legislative Republicans have done. Tennessee is cementing its reputation as a land of opportunity for every citizen to succeed and prosper because of their hard work.

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