Friday, March 29, 2013

lodging Per Diem for Nashville Legislators abolished

Yesterday the Senate passed the bill cutting Per Diem for Nashville area legislators. For legislators living within 50 miles of the State Capitol, the $107 per night Per Diem for hotel lodging was eliminated. They would still get the daily allowance of $66 for meals and reimbursed for mileage. The bill had already passed the House so it will become law once signed by the governor. This bill is estimated to save the tax payers $253,600
The bill was sponsored in the Senate by Senator Haile and co-sponsored by Senators Dickerson, Johnson, Green, and Ketron.  In the House it was sponsored by Rep. Womick  and cosponsored by Harwell, Evans, Rogers, Durham, Lamberth, Sargent, White D, and Littleton. 

In the house fifteen members voted against the bill. Here is who they are: Armstrong, Cooper, Curtiss, Favors, Brenda Gilmore, Sherry Jones, Harold Love Jr., Miller, Parkinson, Sanderson, Shaw, Mike Stewart, Tidwell, Turner J, and Mike Turner. In the Senate only Gardenhire and Gresham voted against it. 

I commend those members of our legislature who sponsored and voted for this bill.  There was never any logic to paying a nightly hotel Per Diem for members of the legislature who spend each night in their own bed. There is no word yet on whether or not Sherry Jones will resign her seat.

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