Tuesday, November 29, 2011

New United Way Funded Training Available: The Basics of Communicating with the Media

by Rod Williams

There is a great workshop coming to Nashville, December 10th. This workshop could benefit anyone involved in influencing public opinion.   The Neighborhood Resource Center is excellent at teaching political activism. With leaders trained in the Saul Alinsky tradition, NRC knows what that are doing. Ignore the bias of the organizers and learn their skills.

One does have have to be left-wing community organizer to benefit from the skills that NRC can teach. Tea Party activist, potential political candidates, campaign managers, Party leaders, or anyone interested improving their ability to effectively communicate their message could benefit from this training. And, this workshop is free, funded by United Way charitable dollars.

Below is the annoucement as posted to the Nashville Neighborhoods Google Group:

Hi Nashville Neighborhoods List,

Please let people in your neighborhood groups know about this media
training!! We will have some reporters here to coach us on how to pitch
stories to the media and to prepare us for being interviewed. See below,
as well as the attachments. (Feel free to forward this to others!)


Mike Hodge
Neighborhoods Resource Center


Would you like the world to know about all the great things happening in your neighborhood?

Do you have an issue in your community that you want to expose so it can get resolved?

Television and print media are powerful tools that can help your neighborhood group get things done.

Learning how to use them effectively can also help you build your group’s membership and reputation.

Neighborhoods Resource Center warmly invites you to our FREE event:

Media Training for Neighborhood Leaders

Saturday, December 10th, 9 am to Noon
NRC Firehall, 1312 3rd Avenue North

Sessions include:

The Basics of Communicating with the Media

  • Developing your Message & Staying on Message in Interviews
  • Creating Press Releases & Press Packets
  • Developing Relationships with Reporters (Reporters should be
  • calling YOU!)

Reporter Round Table: Panel Discussion with Local Reporters

  • Learn straight from the experts about how local media outlets work
  • Find out how to get effective and accurate coverage

Are You Experienced? Pitch your Story to Reporters

  • Get one-on-one time with reporters in an interactive break out session
  • Practice sharing your story and get feedback on how to improve it

*RSVP Requested: Contact Carol at 782-8212 or cmccullo...@tnrc.net*

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1 comment:

  1. Hi Rod,
    We would welcome people of all political stripes. This training is non-partisan and apolitical. Perhaps you can come find out for yourself.

