Friday, July 01, 2011

Die-hard Democrat? Don't take your children to July 4th parades 'or they'll turn into Republicans'

June 30, 20110, Daily Mail, By David Gardner

Die-hard Democrats may want to keep their children well away from July 4th parades, according to a new Harvard study.

Researchers at the university claim youngsters who attend the patriotic events are much more likely to grow up as Republicans.

And it's not just children - the study also claims that adults are more likely to vote for a GOP candidate on election day if they go to one of the parades. Read more

Comment: The researchers seem surprised by their findings. I am not surprised at all. I still get goose bumps when I hear a good performance of  The Star Sparkled Banner. I love Sousa marches and patriotic music. I honor the sacrifice of those who fought and died for our country. I am not embarrassed to say I believe in American exceptionalism. I really believe our rights are God-given and not grants from the government. I mean it when I recite the Pledge of Allegiance.

I don't think liberals really feel the same way I do. I don't think most liberals really love our country.  Not all liberals by any means, but in general, I think liberals are somewhat embarrassed by displays of patriotism. I don't think it was always this way.  I think World War II era Democrats were probably as patriotic as Republicans. Democrats of the baby-boom generation forward and especially those who graduated from the typical American university with a liberal arts degree, think they are too sophisticated to be patriotism. They think of themselves as citizens of the world and love mankind and mother earth, but I don't think they really love America. 

When an impressionable child is exposed to other people who get misty-eyed when the flag passes in review and are surrounded by other people who stand and place their hand over their heart when the Pledge is recited, it is bound to rub off. I am not surprised that being exposed to patriotic displays tends to make one lean Republican.   

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