Saturday, November 06, 2010

Farewell comments from David Hall

Dear Friend of David Hall for Congress,

I wanted to write and tell you that I contacted Congressman Jim Cooper by phone today and congratulated him on his victory. I also urged him to fight the pull of partisanship in DC and to remember the interests of the 75,000-plus voters in the 5th District who had cast a vote against him.

Lastly, I told him that I have always prayed for those in authority over me and that I would continue to do so. It was a very pleasant conversation.

In what is probably going to be my last mass communication with you, I want to encourage you, as a supporter of my campaign, to make this same choice. Though we have disagreed with many of this decisions in the past, and though we worked hard to unseat Mr. Cooper, he is our Congressman, and we still need to pray for him to have wisdom and guidance from God. That's my last request of you, and I am confident you'll do your best to come through . . . you have certainly done so in the past. Thank you again for everything you have done for us.

David Hall

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  1. What a loss for District 5. David is a good honest man...

  2. I think your definition of honesty is a little looser than is mine. David's filings with the FEC contained multiple falsehoods. That makes him either a dishonest man or a dullard; take your pick.
