Monday, November 01, 2010

Desperate Mike Turner Resorts to Dirty Campaign Tactics

Nashville, TN (Nov. 1, 2010) --- House Democratic Caucus Chairman, Mike Turner, has resorted to desperate campaign tactics in his bid to hold onto his position. In an eleventh-hour effort to save a campaign that is falling behind in the polls, Turner has released a direct mail piece that calls out opponent Charles Williamson for a decades-old traffic stop.

The incident occurred more than 20 years ago. Williamson was charged with reckless driving, not DUI, in the 1988 incident. The candidate has openly discussed the topic throughout the campaign.

“It was a long time ago, a frankly a different time,” Williamson says. “I had been at a business function and back then, we all though a little differently about those things. Today, we are more aware of the risks involved.”

The effort by Turner comes on the heels of similarly negative mailers sent by the state Republican party, which Chairman Chris Devaney has acknowledged sending without the consent of Williamson or his staff. The mailers highlight several well-publicized news items about Mike Turner’s questionable ethics. Turner has been accused of abuse of power in his positions with the fire department and state house, driving for more than a year on an invalid driver’s license, calling an on-duty fire engine for a ride after a traffic stop, attempting to sell his discounted UT parking pass for a considerable profit and rumors of participation in dog-fighting.

At a recent breakfast event, both Williamson and Turner referred to the mail campaign with Turner denying all accusations. Williamson remained firm in his desire to run a clean campaign despite negative efforts by the state GOP.

“Early on, our campaign made the decision not to raise old embarrassing issues,” Williamson said.

Williamson was light-hearted at the community breakfast which was held at John A’s Restaurant in District 51.

“If you get to this age and you don’t have something in your past,” Williamson said, “you haven’t been living.”

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  1. So Charles had a valid license, it was 20 years ago and he's been a responsible adult since then? Assuming they didn't skip over any jaywalking or parking fines in the last 20 years.

    And Mike Turner had an invalid license just, what a year ago, had a fireman subordinate to use a firetruck to rescue him and drive his car to a safe place.

    Which one of them is the mature adult?

  2. I'm not surprised at anything Turner does. However, this is an especially low blow since Williamson has committed to, and held firm to, a clean campaign.
