Wednesday, November 03, 2010

The Big Win!

The Republican win was big, very big! We took control of the House, gaining at least 60 House seats. We reduced the Democratic margin in the Senate and we won elections across the country down to the state and courthouse level. This Republican win means President Obama will have to moderate and compromise or face gridlock for the next two years.

The state wins will give Republicans the pen when it comes time to redraw district lines. This can shape the election potential for Republicans for at least the next ten years. When it comes to redistricting, I hope we will be as fair as the Democrats have been.

I am almost not "disgruntled" this morning. I am extremely happy that Jim Gotto won his race and flipped House District 60 to the Republican column. Unfortunately David Hall was unable to defeat lap dog Jim Cooper and we failed to prevail in the other State House races and the State Senate race in Davidson County. Democrats, however had to actually fight to retain their seats and spend money and campaign. This kept them from doing mischief in other people's races. Some of the races were respectably close. Unfortunately for now, Davidson County remains a liberal island in a conservative sea but we are making inroads.

The WSJ said the election was "a titanic sweep beating the Republican tidal waves of 1946 and 1994." There is no shortage of analysis of last night's election. This WSJ article is a good one with analysis of exit polling and statements from Party leaders and analysis of individual state races and highlights of the 2010 mid-term election.

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