Friday, July 20, 2007

Why the United Nations Belongs in Iraq

Part of the way forward and out of Iraq is to recognize that Iraq is a "problem for the whole world". A humanitarian crisis in Iraq and a regional war should be of concern to all the world. If we fail, while we will be responsible for causing the crisis, it will not be our problem alone. If the UN can help us get out of the mess we created, we should grab it. It is encouraging that our UN Ambassador is welcoming the help being offered by the UN. I hope Bush has the wisdom to listen to his UN Ambassador and pursue UN help in solving the Iraqi crisis. In this New York Times editorial, United States UN Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad, the former U.S. ambassador to Iraq, explains why the UN needs to intervene. Rod
July 20, 2007
AFTER meeting with President Bush on Tuesday, Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said that the Iraqi situation is “a problem of the whole world” and that the United Nations is prepared to contribute to the “Iraqi government and people to help them overcome this difficulty.”
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