Friday, July 20, 2007

Vermont Town Bans Public Nudity

Hey! I got an idea! To keep winning elections we Republicans need to reenergize the religious right and take people's mind off the war and Bush's abuse of power. We can't allow Vermont to let people run around nude, can we? How about, Let's pass a constitutional amendment to ban public nudity? Rod

Vermont town bans public nudity after brash displays
Thu Jul 19, 2007 9:43AM EDT
By Zach Howard
BRATTLEBORO, Vermont (Reuters) - A Vermont town that is gaining national attention for brash displays of nudity -- from teens in the buff to naked elderly people -- awoke on Wednesday to an emergency ban on nakedness in most public places.
Officials in Brattleboro voted 3 to 2 on Tuesday night for a temporary 30-day ordinance prohibiting people from going about in the nude.

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