Monday, April 08, 2024

Tennessee GOP State Executive Committee Removes 8 Trump Delegates for Not Meeting ‘Bona Fide Republican’ Standard Despite Warning from Campaign

by Kaitlin Housler, The Tennessee Star,  April 7, 2024 - The Tennessee Republican Party State Executive
Committee (SEC) voted on Saturday to remove eight individuals who were elected as Trump delegates to the Republican National Convention (RNC) in the March 5 primary election in Tennessee.

The convention, which will formally name Donald J. Trump as the Republican Party’s nominee for President in 2024, will be held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin from July 15 to July 18.

The individuals were removed by the SEC for not being “bona fide Republicans,” meaning they have not voted in at least three of the four most recent statewide Republican primary elections, according to the Bylaws and Rules of the Tennessee Republican Party.

The eight delegates were recommended by the Trump campaign to be placed on the ballot without a review to determine if they met that standard of “bona fide Republican” set forth in the bylaws. Some of the eight had voted in one of the four most recent statewide Republican primary elections while others had voted in one of the four most recent statewide Republican primary elections while others had voted in two of the four most recent statewide primary elections.

The SEC also granted waivers to three Trump delegates and one Trump alternate delegate elected in the March 5 primary who were 20 years of age or less, as they were not eligible to vote in the last three of four statewide primaries due to their age. Those four will be attending the RNC in Milwaukee.voted in two of the four most recent statewide primary elections. ...

“The individuals who were elected to represent President Trump on March 5, 2024, as delegates and alternates to the Republican National Convention are the only delegates and alternates that the Trump Campaign will recognize,” the letter said. (read more)

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