Friday, March 01, 2024

“The Soviets had a term for people like Tucker: useful idiots.”

by Rod Williams, March 1, 2024- I watched about half of the Tucker Carlson interview with Vladimer Putin shortly after it aired and then got distracted and didn't get around to watching the other half until watched last night. I am flabbergasted and disgusted. Tucker showed himself to be Putin's lapdog. Tucker asked nothing but softball questions and allowed Putin to filibuster. This was propaganda. If you have not watched it, here it is: 

Republican Senator Thom Tillis nailed it by saying, "The Soviets had a term for people like Tucker: useful idiots."

It was not just that Tucker Carlson gave Putin a platform to justify his invasion of Ukraine that makes him a useful idiot but Tucker's gushing praise for life in Russia. A trip to a grocery store radicalized Tucker he says when he realizes that Russians have decent grocery stores and food cost so much less.

 What? He didn't think they had packaged bread in Russia?  Anyone who has traveled to less wealthy countries has probably enjoyed the lower prices of the host country.  Most of us, however, probably understand how exchange rates work.  Yes, a cart full of groceries may cost less, but to the local person of that country, they take a much greater share of that person's income. The average wage in Russia is 73,383 RUB per month which is $791 with today's exchange rate (1). Over 60% of Russians spend half of their salary on food, according to Russia's state-owned news agency TASS. Over 60% of Russians spend half of their salary on food, according to Russia's state-owned news agency TASS.

Carlson really embarrassed himself by marveling over grocery cart technology. If you have ever shopped at Audi's here in Nashville, you know what I am talking about. One must put in a quarter to get a shopping cart and when you return it, you get the quarter returned. Apparently, this is common throughout the world. Maybe Carlson doesn't get out much and never visits a grocery store.

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