Monday, September 25, 2023

Speakers announce task force to look into rejecting federal education money

by Rod Williams, Sept. 25, 2023- As reported in today's TMJ: On the Hill, "House Speaker Cameron Sexton (R-Crossville) and his Senate counterpart Randy McNally (R-Oak Ridge) have named a 10-member task force to look into the feasibility of rejecting federal education funding in Tennessee. Here’s the release from Sexton’s office:..." You can read the rest of the article and the press release at this link

I don't know if rejecting federal funds for education is a good idea or not. However, as the press release states, anytime you receive federal dollars, the money comes with strings attached. I want to know how much we receive and what detrimental rules the federal governments imposes on Tennessee. I support the appointment of a task force to study the issue. 


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