Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Mayor Freddie O'Connell Announces Key Administration Hires

Metro Nashville press release, September 26, 2023 - Mayor Freddie O'Connell is proud to announce the following updates to his staff.

Wallace (Wally) Dietz will continue to be Metro Legal's Director, a position he has held since June 2021. Dietz had previously served as Compliance and Government Investigations Attorney at Bass, Berry and Sims.

Marjorie Pomeroy-Wallace will serve as Chief of Staff. She ran O'Connell's campaign as campaign manager.

Kristin Wilson will continue to serve as Chief of Operations and Performance. After a career in both the public and private sector, she entered her current role in September 2019.

Bob Mendes will join the O'Connell administration as Chief Development Officer. Mendes is an attorney and member of Sherrard Roe Voigt & Harbison, PLC. He also served as a member of the Metro Council for the last eight years.

O'Connell is hiring Katy Varney to be the interim Director of Communications. Varney was a partner at MP&F Strategic Communications. She also worked with former governor Ned McWherter and served as an advisor to Megan Barry's Mayoral campaign.

Alex Apple will serve as Deputy Communications Director and Press Secretary. He was Communications Director for the O'Connell campaign.

Other staff who are remaining include Kathy Floyd-Buggs and Bonita Dobbins.

The hiring and interviewing of staff continues, and Mayor O'Connell will be announcing more of the team in the coming weeks and months.

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