Monday, May 01, 2023

Tennessee Eagle Forum needs some help. Join me in helping this deserving organization.

by Rod Williams, May 1- Tennessee Eagle Forum, led by Bobbie Patray has been fighting the good fight for years. If you have ever met Bobbie Patray you cannot help but be impressed.  She is not only energetic, effervescent and effective and has a wealth of information about legislation and who's who in the legislature, but she is a caring good person. When she says, "I'll pray for you," I have the impression that it is more than just a way to express concern- I really believe she will pray for you.

Eagle Forum comes from the "religious right" or "social conservative" portion of the conservative spectrum.  I do not always agree 100% with Eagle's positions. I am a little more tolerant of vices than Eagle. However, I agree most of the time and am convinced that Eagle Forum has made the world a better place. To see a list of Eagle's notable achievements over the years, follow this link

Please read the fundraising appeal. Unlike a lot of slick fundraising appeals, I like the tone of this.  I want to help Bobbie Patray have ink for her copy machine. 

Click here to donate

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