Saturday, May 27, 2023

3rd Grade reading proficiency district averages released. Metro Nashville has a proficiency rate of 29.68 while next door Williamson County has a proficiency rate of 71.71.

by Rod Williams, May 27, 2023- The state has released the results of testing of reading proficiency among third grader. The test is called ELA which stands for English Language Arts.  In January 2021, Tennessee legislators passed a law requiring third graders who do not score “met” or “exceeded expectations” on the test to attend a summer reading camp or tutoring program, or to repeat the grade. Then Covid hit and remote learning and there was a sharp drop in learning and the legislature modified the law, passing HB0437 which tweaked the 2021 law by putting fewer third graders at risk of being held back.  Under this revision the ELA test is not the only factor determining a third graders fate but is still the most important factor. You can read more about this issue at this link

The ELA result averages have been released for each school district across the state. This list does not have a feature for sorting so one cannot rank the districts easily. The results vary fairly widely from district to district. Arlington Community Schools has a proficiency rate of 77.52% while Haywood County Schools has a proficiency rate of 18%.  The Achievement School District has a proficiency rate of 10.12% The Achievement School District are those failing schools that have been taken over by the State.

Metro Nashville has a proficiency rate of 29.68 while next door Williamson County has a proficiency rate of 71.71.

Below is the full list:

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