Saturday, April 22, 2023

Gov. Lee to Call Special Session on Public Safety

NASHVILLE, Tenn.  April 21, 2023– Today, Tennessee Governor Bill Lee announced that he will call for the Tennessee General Assembly to convene a special session to pass legislation that will strengthen public safety and preserve constitutional rights. Gov. Lee will release additional details and issue an official call in the coming days. 

“After much input from members of the General Assembly and discussions with legislative leadership, we have decided to call a special session to continue our work to protect Tennessee communities and preserve constitutional rights,” said Gov. Lee. “There is broad agreement that dangerous, unstable individuals who intend to harm themselves or others should not have access to weapons. We also share a strong commitment to preserving Second Amendment rights, ensuring due process and addressing the heart of the problem with strengthened mental health resources. I look forward to continued partnership with the General Assembly as we pursue thoughtful, practical solutions to keep Tennesseans safe.”

Rod's Comment: I think some sort of red flag law is desirable, and I support Governor Lee's effort. However, even the best red flag law is useless unless someone uses it.  I wonder how often a parent or spouse would actually use the law to cause the disarming of a loved one. I want to see data from states that do have such laws.  

Also, there must be safeguards in place to prevent an ex-wife or someone from using the law as a weapon to harass someone.  People can be vindictive, and I can see the law being misused. 

I hope the legislature does not take a knee-jerk dead-on-arrival approach, but neither should they rubberstamp such a proposal. 

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