Sunday, December 04, 2022

Trump calls for suspending of the Constitution in order to overturn the results of the 2020 election.

by Rod Williams, Dec. 4, 2022- Trump has now said it. We know he tried to subvert the constitution in order to hang on to power, but now he has publicly called for suspending the constitution and returning him to office.'s 

Surely, this should be the straw that breaks the camel's back. It is time for Republican leaders to unmistakeably say Donald Trump is unfit to hold office. It is past time for Republican leaders to issue mealy-mouthed statements that say they will support the Party's 2024 candidate whoever that might be. It is time to stop being a timid follower with a finger to the wind and be a leader. It is time to denounce Donald Trump in the strongest terms.

Hell will freeze over before I will ever vote for Donald Trump.  He is a disgrace and a traitor. 

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