Thursday, November 03, 2022

Rep. Susan Lynn's views on the Proposed Constitutional Amendments

Representative Susan Lynn
From Representative Susan Lynn:

 Hi there,

I have been asked for my views on the Constitutional Amendments that are on the ballot.

 Here is how I am personally voting on each,

 Amendment 1 - YES

Amendment 2 - YES

Amendment 3 - NO

Amendment 4 - YES

 Here is why I have decided to vote as I have,

 Amendment 1 – Simply adds the right-to-work to our Constitution. It is current law and Tennessee is a better state because we are a right-to-work state.

 Amendment 2 – Adds a process whereby the Speaker can step-in as acting-Governor should the Governor because incapacitated (such as with covid). The process includes a mechanism for him to resume his duties when he is again well.

 Amendment 3 – This changes language in the Constitution regarding prisoners. Our current Constitution makes it clear that inmates lose certain constitutional rights. This provision states that “Nothing shall keep a prisoner from working…” Right now, having a job if you are an inmate is a merit-based system based on good behavior and other positive factors. They are paid less than minimum wage. Some of their pay is held back in savings for when they exit the institution and some, they are permitted to spend in the PX. We do not have enough jobs for all inmates, nor the money to pay all inmates. I am very concerned that we will be sued by inmates demanding a job and demanding at least minimum wage. We provide every inmate with free room, board, and medical care…imagine if we are literally paying them a wage to be in jail.

Amendment 4 – This simply takes obsolete language out of the state Constitution that was deemed unconstitutional many years ago by a court.  

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out.


Rep. Susan Lynn

Rep. Susan Lynn

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