Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Senator Jack Johnson: I vow to put an END to the mutilation of our kids.

From Senator Jack Johnson;


Just last month, we uncovered the truth about the harmful medical procedures Vanderbilt University Medical Center was performing on Tennessee children. 

Doctors were actively manipulating and misguiding young children into undergoing dangerous, irreversible medical procedures all for their own huge profit. 

You and I both know that these procedures are plain WRONG. 

Kids should be able to trust their doctors, but they are instead at the mercy of this destructive ideology.

Last week, we were pleased to learn that VUMC has put a “pause” on these surgeries, but we must be clear: this kind of “medical care” will NOT be tolerated here in Tennessee.

I vowed to put an END to the mutilation of our kids and to do all in my power to ensure we never allow these kinds of practices in our state – but I need your help. 

On October 21, we will gather at the Tennessee State Capitol to send a message to lawmakers everywhere that these horrific practices will not be tolerated in Tennessee or anywhere across America. 

I invite you to join me, Representative William Lamberth and the Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh at the Rally to End Child Mutilation to fight back for our kids.

You can find out more information and get your free ticket here

This is a fight we must all join in together in order to protect Tennessee’s children and ensure they are never taken advantage of again. 

I hope to see you there,


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