Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Is MNPS Quietly Working To Take Away Parent’s Rights?

by Rod Williams, 10/11/2022 - Tennessee Conservative has posted an article to its webpage titled MNPS Quietly Working To Take Away Parent’s Rights. Basically what this is about is that instead of printing a student handbook, MNPS is going digital.  

The primary reason this matter, according to TC, is that the handbook had forms parents could use to opt out their child from participating in certain lessons. In addition to lessons, there are also some other things that it is assumed the child may participate in unless the parent opts out the child. Now, MNPS will be sending a single sheet of papers home containing urls to the opt-out forms online where parents can print the forms and fill them out and send them back to the school. I know not everyone has a computer or a printer, but parents who ask for a printed version of the handbook can still get one.

I think Tennessee Conservative is making a lot of to-do about nothing in this instance. If it were me, I would prefer digital.  I get my water bill, phone bill, electric bill, cable bill, gas bill, and insurance renewal bills all digital, and they are all paid by automatic draft. I get way too much junk mail, and junk mail is about all I get. If given a choice, I choose digital.  Since parents who prefer paper can still get it, I don't see what all of the fuss is about.

I do, however, think parents need to know that unless they opt out their child, their child is automatically opted in. Some of what your child will be taught in Metro schools unless you opt them out is Gender identity and Sexual orientation. If I had a child in public schools, I would opt them out.

While I think TC is unnecessarily alarmist about a move from paper to digital, I do applaud them for bringing attention to the fact that unless a parent opts out their child, the child is automatically taught some sensitive things the parent may find objectionable. The move from paper to digital is no big deal; the fact that unless you object Metro Schools will indoctrinate your child in gender identity should be. 

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