Monday, July 18, 2022

Who is Accusing a Prominent Conservative Radio Host of Corruption?

Hattie Bryant
by Hattie Bryant,  July 18, 2022 - A few days ago this article appeared here: Has Sharon Ford been caught with her hand in the cookie jar? Understanding the drama at TRA.

I did not mention the name Gail Forsythe as I wanted to keep the focus on Sharon Ford, the instigator of the wild and wrong stories about Michelle Foreman.  Gail Forsythe is Sharon Ford’s wing man working with Sharon to hurt Michelle. Gail has been harassing Michelle for years, and in her typical style Michelle has ignored it all. Gail claims she was a Tennessee Republican Assembly (TRA) board member--Second Vice President if I remember correctly--during the tenure of Sharon Ford. Does she have personal, first-hand knowledge of the missing $17,000.00 from the TRA Convention of 2015? Is that why she feels the need to project and attack Michelle in an attempt to draw attention away from herself and Sharon Ford? Apparently, Gail tried to book Michelle’s opponent (Wyatt Rampy) on the Michael Patrick Leahy show and she was not successful.  I do not know those details I only have what I present here: 

From: Wyatt Rampy <
Date: Thu, Jul 14, 2022 at 8:14 PM
Subject: Michael Patrick Leahy
To: <>

Hi Gail,

There is a valiant and much appreciated effort to have me as a guest on his show. However, given the fact that Michelle has paid him $15,000 there is no chance he would conduct an unbiased interview. In fact, he would be obligated by their business relationship to do everything to undermine me on the air. 

Additionally, in her most recent appearance, he didn’t even know my last name. That indicates he’s either totally disrespectful or is ignorant of the subject matter and so caught up in Michelle that he didn’t have the forethought to research the entire race.

 With that being said, it’s probably best to stop pursuing his show and instead focus on the voters.

Thank you for all your help.

Wyatt Ramp
Poplar Hill Realty Co., Inc. 
Lic. no. 254660

Looks to me like Wyatt Rampy is accusing Mr. Leahy of corruption.  Rookie mistake. Rampy literally accused Mr. Leahy of being obligated to do everything possible to undermine him (Rampy) because Michelle ran ads on his radio station.  Several candidates running for different offices have purchased air time to run radio spots. Many candidates are advertising in the digital print version of the Tennessee Star.  Is Mr. Leahy obligated to ignore opponents of Tennessee Star advertisers?

Rampy is out of his league and seems to know nothing about Republican politics in the state of Tennessee. Maybe because he’s never bothered to involve himself in anything conservative or Republican. Obviously, he is not a Tennessee Star reader which tells me he has no business running for office on the Republican ticket.

Does Rampy know that Michael Patrick Leahy is the CEO, Editor-in-chief and majority owner of States News Digital Media?  Just one email from one person to another may not be grounds to charge Rampy with defamation. Yet, what does it tell you about Rampy?  More than he would want you to know.  Just vote for Michelle Foreman for State House in Davidson’s new 59th District.

Hattie Bryant is the District 19 Chair of the Davidson County Republican Party.  You can learn about her at


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