Monday, June 13, 2022

Tennessee Supreme Court declines to rehear school Education Savings Account case

by Rod Williams, June 13, 2022- The Tennessee Supreme Court in May ruled in favor of Tennessee's Education Savings Account program.

The ESA program would allow parents to use funds intended to educate their child at schools other than government monopoly schools.  It is a way to give families much-needed choice on where their children learn. 

The ESA program is a three-year pilot program approved by the Tennessee General Assembly in 2019.

Eligible students must be a member of a household with an annual income for the previous year that does not exceed twice the federal income eligibility guidelines for free lunch.

Metro Nashville and Shelby County governments filed a petition asking the court to rehear the case.

The Tennessee Supreme Court has declined to rehear the case challenging the constitutionality of Tennessee's Education Savings Account program. 

For the Tennessean's take, follow this link. To learn more about the program, follow this link.

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