Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Against Gun Idolatry by David French

Armed demonstrators protest outside of the Michigan state
capital building on January 17, 2021 in Lansing,
Michigan. (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images.)
by David French, The Dispatch, Jun 5 - I remember the first essay I ever wrote for The Atlantic. Four years ago, they reached out to me and asked me to write about American gun culture from a conservative perspective. I took the responsibility seriously. I knew most readers disagreed with me vehemently, and while I didn’t expect them to necessarily change their minds, I did want them to understand why my family owns guns and what “gun culture” meant to us.

The story began with the first time we faced a threat at our own house. A man blocked our driveway with his car and walked up to Nancy and our kids while they were playing outside. He demanded to see me. I was away, at work. 

It was a terrifying moment. (link)

Rod's Comment: I recommend this thought-provoking article to those who are concerned about gun violence and the Second Amendment.  All arguments about an issue do not neatly fit in a Facebook meme or a bumper sticker. I could not summarize and excerpt and do this well-reasoned, thought-provoking article justice. Please read.

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