Monday, May 16, 2022

Yes, the Biden administration did fund crack pipes

 The latest media ‘fact check’ turns out to be false

by: Grace Curley, Spectator, May 16, 2022- Nina Jankowicz, who has her own lengthy rap sheet as a serial spreader of fake news, is heading up the Department of Homeland Security’s new “Disinformation Governance Board.” If the director of the Ministry of Truth really wants to tackle lies, I have the perfect place for her to start: the White House Briefing Room.

Former White House press secretary Jen Psaki was caught flat-out lying on Thursday .... In February of this year, Washington Free Beacon reporter Patrick Hauf wrote a piece headlined, “Biden Admin To Fund Crack Pipe Distribution To Advance ‘Racial Equity.’” ... HHS put out a statement totally denying the report: ... It turns out that these safe-smoking kits do include crack pipes after all.(read it all at this link)

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