Monday, May 16, 2022

New Titans stadium estimated to cost $2B, will not burden Metro’s General Fund,

Mayor Cooper: Nashville’s football stadium will not be taxpayer burden under new plan Opinion

Rather than pouring over a billion dollars into an aging stadium, we began working with the Titans and the state on the idea of building a new enclosed stadium for Nashville.

John Cooper, Guest Columnist, The Tennessean, May 12,2022- We are working on plans for a new stadium because doing nothing is not an option, and renovating the current stadium would be financially irresponsible. Tourists and spending around the stadium will pay for this project, not Nashville families.

Doing nothing Is not an option  ... Right now, under the original lease, Nashville taxpayers are on the hook for tens of millions of dollars per year for stadium maintenance and improvements. Those are general fund dollars that we need for other essential priorities... The lease obligates Nashville to provide a “first-class” stadium until 2038, an obligation that now means either renovating the current stadium or building a new stadium. ... – unlike our current arrangement – will not burden Metro’s General Fund. (link)

Rod's Comment: Based on what I know about this proposal at this time, given the current funding package, I am in favor of building the new stadium. 

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