Friday, April 29, 2022

It is time to purge the Republican Party of pro-Putin, Q-annon, nut jobs and restore sanity to the Republican Party. Support Jennifer Stahan for Congress and send Marjorie Taylor Greene home.

Jennifer Stahan
by Rod Williams, April 29, 2022- In Georgia's 14th Congressional District, I am supporting Jennifer Stahan.  I just sent a contribution. While I regularly contribute to conservative causes and Republican candidates,  I normally do not get involved in out-of-state primaries. The Georgia 14th, however, is important.  It is a fight for the soul of the Republican Party.  What kind of party are we going to be? 

Jennifer is a mother, wife, entrepreneur, and conservative who grew up in a family that was focused on four things: God, family, hard work, and education. She worked her way through college, earning a Bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Sciences and eventually a doctorate in Healthcare Leadership. She went on to work with hospitals and health systems of varying sizes, helping build efficient and effective solutions to drive better patient care and system sustainability.

Jennifer eventually opened her own national advisory firm, J. Osley & Co. Under her leadership, the company has trained more than 3,000 individuals and delivered a bottom-line impact of more than $20 million – while improving patient experience and overall clinical care.

Jennifer and her husband, who met in high school, live in Georgia with their five-year-old son. They are active in the community and attend Atlanta West Pentecostal Church.

Most importantly, she is not Marjorie Taylor Greene, one of just eight House lawmakers to vote against seizing assets from Russian oligarchs. Marjorie Taylor Greene is a Q-anon supporter.  She was a regular contributor to a conspiracy website. She has supported almost every right-wing conspiracy theory circulating. She touts the Pizzagate theory, the Clinton Kill-list, mass shootings as a false flag theory, and 9-11 as an inside job theory.  She has advocated executing Democrat politicians.  She has equated the Democrat Party with Nazies. She has likened NATO to Nazies. She continues to claim Trump won the election in a landslide and that the election was stolen.  Her Covid-19 theory is that Dr. Fauci is criminally liable for helping create the virus as a bio-weapon. She says 2018 California wildfires were ignited by some kind of “space laser."

Face it. Marjorie Taylor Greene is a certifiable dingbat, nut-job. She is an embarrassment. Please join me in supporting her primary opponent. 

To learn more about Jennifer Strahan, follow this link.  If like me, you believe almost anyone would be preferable to Marjorie Taylor Greene and she must be defeated, go right to the Jennifer Strahan donation page at this link

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