Friday, January 28, 2022

The latest Keystone Cops approach to curbing climate change: John Kerry, U.S. Climate Envoy, Tells Top Polluters ‘We Must All Move Faster.’

by Rod Williams, Jan. 27, 2021-   If the government determined it would be in the nation's best interest if people drank less alcohol, it could ban alcohol, or it could preach that drinking alcohol was bad for you and try to persuade people to drink less.  It could also tax alcohol or it could subsidize everything that is not alcohol. For more on the latest Keystone Cops approach to curbing climate change read, John Kerry, U.S. Climate Envoy, Tells Top Polluters ‘We Must All Move Faster.’

For my views on climate change policy, follow this link

Isn't this interesting? At the same time John Kerry is jawboning to get the world to cut greenhouse gas emissions, A federal judge revoked Gulf of Mexico oil and gas leases, ruling the Biden administration failed to consider climate change when it sold them. Also, the Biden administration is urging OPEC to produce more oil. 

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