Friday, January 28, 2022

Nut-job U.S. Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene Endorses Robby Starbuck for Tennessee’s Fifth Congressional Seat

by Rod Williams, Jan. 28, 2022- US Congressman Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA-14), the poster child for nut-job Republicans, has endorsed Robby Starbuck in his race for Tennessee’s Fifth Congressional District.  While this does not totally disqualify Robbie Starbuck in my estimation, this endorsement makes me considerably less inclined to favor his candidacy, certainly not more inclined.   Starbuck could regain his lost ground if he would disavow this endorsement. 

Marjorie Taylor Greene is a Q-anon supporter.  She was a regular contributor to a conspiracy website. She has supported almost every right-wing conspiracy theory circulating. She touts the Pizzagate theory, the Clinton Kill-list, mass shootings as a false flag theory, and 9-11 as an inside job theory.  She has advocated executing Democrat politicians.  She has equated the Democrat Party with Nazies. She continues to claim Trump won the election in a landslide and that the election was stolen.  Her Covid-19 theory is that Dr. Fauci is criminally liable for helping create the virus as a bio-weapon. She has suggested that space lasers caused fatal wildfires in California. Can we admit, she is a class A nut-job?

While Marjorie Taylor Green is a strong supporter of former President Donald Trump, Trump has not endorsed Robbie Starbuck.  Former President Trump is supporting another potential candidate for the Fifth Congressional District. Trump is supporting former State Department spokesman Morgan Altergas. 

For more see link, link, link.

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