Thursday, March 11, 2021

Bold Patriot Institute presents part 5 of the History Channel video series, "The Revolution."


On Monday, February 8th, The Bold Patriot Institute started their journey through the History Channel special series called - "The Revolution." This is a series of 10 great video presentations with excellent narration and reenactments that delivers a very exciting learning experience. The series began in Boston in 1765... The 2nd presentation began with the battle at Lexington / Concord and covered the period up to the Declaration of Independence. The third session covered the writing of the Declaration of Independence. The fourth session covered the period from the retreat from New York to the battle of Trenton - roughly the second half of 1776. 

Monday's presentation is the fifth in the series and covers the period following the Battle of Trenton to the aid from France in mid-1777. These presentations have been particularly interesting and we urge everyone to be there.  These presentations are by The Bold Patriot Institute which is sponsored by the Bold Patriot Brewing Company, 410 39th. Avenue North, Nashville.

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