Saturday, August 08, 2020

Nashville's interim police chief vows to enforce mask mandate. Selective enforcement likely to continue. White tourist targeted.

by Rod Williams, 8/8/2020 - The Tennessean reports Nashville's interim police chief vows to enforce mask mandate after Anderson's soft approach.  New interim police chief John Drake said widespread enforcement of the city's mask requirement would be his top priority moving forward. 

Apparently, Chief Anderson was forced out months earlier than his planned retirement date due to his failure to enforce the mask mandate to the satisfaction of the mayor.  That is only speculation but it is put forward as the reason or hinted at by several sources.  

The first arrest for not wearing a mask while Anderson was chief was that of a Black homeless man with mental illness. The police first gave him a warning and he refused to put on a mask. The police gave him a ticket.  About an hour later the police saw him again in the same area not wearing a mask and he was taken into custody.  At the time of his arrest he had two mask in his pocket. The arrest did not go over well with some members of the public. Social Justice warriors involved in the Black Lives Matter protest said the arrest "was symptomatic of a racist system that penalized people of color while allowing white tourists and residents to break the rules," according to The Tennessean

I am going to go out on a limb here and bet that the next time we have a massive street protest that the police will not arrest protesters gathered in groups greater than ten nor protesters not wearing a mask.  I am assuming that selective enforcement is now the official policy of Nashville. No protesters  will be issued citations or arrested and no homeless people.  I am betting the new chief said, "go arrest some white tourist." 

For more on this issue see this link and this link

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