Wednesday, August 05, 2020

Tim Skow calling out those who demonize the other side in the Hagerty-Sethi primary contest.

Tim Skow
by Tim Skow -


Recognize ALL the names on the following list of notable Conservatives?
  • Vice President Mike Pence [R- IN]
  •  Senator Rand Paul [ R-KY]
  • Senator Marsha Blackburn [R-TN] 
  •  Senator Ted Cruz [ R-TX]
  • Senator Tom Cotton [ R-AR] 
  •  Senator Jim DeMint [R-SC] *
  • Congressman Chuck Fleishman [R-TN]
  • Congressman Ed Bryant [R-TN] *
  • St. Sen. Majority Leader Johnson [R-TN] 
  • Congressman Jimmy Duncan [R-TN] *
  • St. House Majority Leader Lamberth [R-TN] 
  • Congressman Zach Wamp [R-TN]*
  • FOX News & radio show host Sean Hannity 
  • FOX News & radio show host Mark Levin
What do they all have these notable Conservatives have in common?
  1. ALL are very experienced and savvy when it comes to Conservative politics. 
  2. ALL are trusted by their Conservative ‘’constituents.’’ 
  3. ALL have endorsed their candidate of choice in the Tennessee’s US Senate primary. 
HALF have endorsed Bill Hagerty!!

Half have endorsed Manny Sethi!!

It is NO surprise that dozens of elected office holders in Tennessee have also added their endorsement to their candidate of choice.

Clearly, the overall message is that BOTH candidates are highly accomplished, highly respected by their peers and trusted by the many supporters they have earned during the campaign. You would think such a race for the US Senate, campaigns would be BIG ideas and BIG concerns facing our State and the nation.

HOW SAD … that so many supporters (on both sides) have devolved into trite pithy Social Media spats, verbal nit-picking, whining about the trivial and pushing outright fabricated BS!!

Does a contribution from a couple of decades ago really matter when it comes to dealing with China or wrangling with healthcare issues that comprise 20% of the US Economy?

Unlike Judge Roy Moore in Alabama and other recent toxic Senate primary candidates, neither Mr. Hagerty nor Mr. Sethi would put Tennessee’s US Senate seat in jeopardy. So its time to ask, ‘’Is it too much to expect that supporters reflect the caliber of their candidate’’? Is it too much at ask that before any of us hit the SEND button, ‘’Would my candidate of choice have said, written or posted THAT”? Is it too much to ask, “If my phone rings and its my candidate of choice on the line, would he/she be thankful and proud just went on their behalf?" 

IS IT TOO MUCH … to ask that if you see or hear comments that clearly do NOT reflect the caliber of the candidate you also support, that you call out those making the incendiary or bogus comments?
Three things are certain:
  1. Primary election night is coming soon!
  2. The morning after Election night is coming too!! 
  3. Races against Democrats and Ultra-LIBs on the November ballot will be in serious jeopardy around Tennessee, in neighboring state and nationally. 
Its harder to work with those who are suffering with hard feelings and raw nerves!!!

In closing, are you voting for President Trump in November? IF so, do like he does.
  1. Tout your primary candidate of choice. 
  2. Stay focused on the REAL prize. 
  3. Let the people decide and plan to work well with who wins. Then campaign like Hell to beat the Democrats, Ultra-LIBs and ANTIFA apologists on the November ballot. IF … we are going to beat them in less than 100 days, THEN … it is going to take ALL of us. Please plan, talk, post and act like you will be campaigning side-by-side with those you are campaigning against in today’s hot primary!
Tim Skow is host of First Tuesday, downtown Nashville's monthly political forum featuring leading topics and speakers in the news.

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1 comment:

  1. Wise words friend. Thanks for speaking up when you had the chance. As we have just learned, those chances may be fleeting and we are not promised tomorrow. Thanks for reminding us to focus on what matters (beyond politics even). I'll miss ya pal!
