Wednesday, June 20, 2018

NO TAX INCREASE! Tax hike budget fails in a very close vote.

by Rod Williams, June 20, 1918 - After a lengthy discussion in which numerous Council members spoke for or against the Mendes amendment to the Vercher sponsored substitute budget, the Mendes amendment failed. That amendment would have hiked the tax rate by 5O cents or 16%. It would have generated $150 million which would have funded a cost-of-living pay increase for Metro employees and it would have fully funded the school board's funding request. The vote was taken at 12:33 AM. The vote was 19 to 19. President por tem Sheri Weiner who only votes in the event of a tie voted "no," killing the Mendes tax hike budget proposal making the final vote 19 in favor and 20 opposed

Back on the Vercher no tax hike substitute bill, the Council voted in favor 34 to 4.

For more details, and a list of how council members voted, see a future blog post.

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